Tan Sue Yong
or Zheng Shu Yang,
our beloved dad, was born on 24
September 1917 to a
huge and wealthy Zheng family in
the province of Fuzhou, China. Our great grandfather, his
grandfather, Zheng Peng Hui was a renowned
and wealthy physician in the province
sharing the same lineage of the famous Chinese
poet in the Qing Dynasty, Zheng Ban Qiao.
They lived in a huge mansion and were served
by many servants. Our dad was the 19th generation of the
Zheng family. (The surname "Tan" is stated in our identity cards only for official purposes because zheng is pronounced as "dang" in the Foochow dialect.)
Our grandfather, Zheng Long Chang was the fourth child of our
great grandfather through his 4th wife.
The 4th wife of great grandfather
bore him three sons. Our grandfather was his third and youngest
Our grandfather did not receive much from the great
grandfather's estate. Being the eldest child, dad then decided,
like so many of his contemporaries those days, to sail to the
South East Asia to look for greener pastures.
In 1937, he sailed to Malaya, now
West Malaysia, together with the family of the 3rd granduncle
(3rd son of great grandfather through his 4th wife) at the young age of 20. He returned to China 4 years
later (1941) and married mum, Swee Mei who was then only 17
years old. During this time life for the ordinary Chinese was
hard. The Nationalist Army under Chiang Kai Shek and the Red
Army under Mao Tze-tung were fighting against the Japanese
occupiers. Early in the mornings, he would rise to make taufu
(bean curds) and mum would then sell them in the market
while dad went to the fields labouring as a farmer.
Even though Dad is 86 years old
(2003), his eldest child is only 54 years old. Living under
poor and mal-nourished circumstances, mum's pregnancies were
fraught with problems. She suffered many miscarriages and 3
sons died a few days after their births.
Mum had a miscarriage during her
first pregnancy when she was 18. When her first child, a girl, was finally
born, mum was a weak and frail 19-year-old girl herself. It
was also in this year (1943) that our paternal grandmum in her 40s
died. Believing that the newly born girl had brought bad luck
to the family, maternal grandmum then decided to let the poor
baby girl die in the
cold outside.
In March 1947, dad decided to
come over again to Malaya. This time, with mum. China at
this time was bogged down with civil war between the
nationalists and communists with the latter growing stronger
day by day. With the prospect of the communists taking control
of the country, it was also a wise decision for the rich to
leave their motherland as the Zheng's family assets were later
sequestrated by the communists when they came to power on 1
October 1949.

the meantime, our dad and mum aged 30 and 22 respectively decided to settle down in Sepang, Selangor in May 1947. They worked hard as pig-farmers
there. A son was shortly born but died a few days later,
again. Still childless at this time, they decided to adopt a
girl in 1948 in the belief that later pregnancies would be smooth
going. In November 1949, their own child, a girl, was born and
this was followed by a son in October 1951. Much to
their dismay, one more
miscarriage happened in 1952. In June 1955, they were
blessed with another daughter. But life then was bad, and they lived
in poverty and under the constant fear of the communist insurgents which
Malaya was fighting at this time. As the pig farm was located
far away from home, their livelihood was severely affected by
the many curfews imposed by the security forces. When another girl was born
in 1957, like so many other Sepang residents then, they had no
choice but to
give the child up for adoption by the Christian missionaries
in Seremban. Years later, it was discovered from the
records kept at the Seremban Convent High School and confirmed
by the National Registration Department that the baby girl
named Mary Agatha Tan Ah Siew had died 3 months after her admission
from pneumonia.
In 1958, they decided to move
down to Yong Peng. The family of 6 lived in a small rented
room. There, another girl was born in 1959. With
the proceeds of the sale of the Sepang house and the pig farm
together with the pigs and some borrowings from relatives, Dad
bought a 6-acre piece of land in Yong Peng for 800 dollars which he later planted it
with rubber trees. In the morning, he would work as a labourer
for other landowners who required him to either clear their
smallholdings from weeds and lalang or create drains along the
perimeter of the lands. He did all these by using his cangkul,
and for a meagre wage of 6 dollars a day. Apart from having to work
under the hot sun with his bare hands, such job offers
were not regular. Hence the afternoons and off days were spent
in the rubber plantation. The household income was however
partly supplemented by the adopted daughter and the eldest
daughter who started working as rubber tappers at the tender age
of 11 and 10 respectively, each earning about 2 dollars a day. In order to help support the family, the two of them
sacrificed much and were therefore deprived of the luxury of
going to school and whom the younger siblings are also forever
indebted to them.
In 1960, dad managed to raise
enough money to buy the present house for 600 dollars. There,
his second son and the youngest child, a girl, were born.
