We remember when we were kids, our only food
sometimes was rice or porridge with soya sauce or one or two
small slices of preserved bean curds.
Our quality of life did not
improve until in the mid 1970s when dad started to venture far
taking up small contracts to clear jungles by felling trees with
his chain-saws. Our two elder sisters by this time were also
earning more by tapping rubber. We also helped out after we
reached 11 or 12 years old by going to the rubber estates early
in the morning about 4.30am and then came home around 6.30am to
prepare to go to school. We had to cycle in the dark with
kerosene headlamps lighting up the paths.
Dad's job was an extremely
dangerous one. A few of his team mates had been killed by fallen
trees. He would go as far as Kota Tinggi and Pahang, and each
trip would be about 1 to 2 months living in the jungles.
Domestic affairs were left to mum. We recall how happy we
were whenever the taxi pulled up in front of the house with his
tools including cooking utensils. It meant dad had come home.
But when he had to leave again for new assignments, we felt sad
and became to worry for his safety again. But the Good Lord had
watched over him during his 15 years of working as a logger,
even though he had suffered some injuries here and there but
they were minor.
Dad was always held in high regard
by his co-workers and employers. Recently, some of his old
employers paid tribute to our dad as someone who was extremely
honest and hardworking. He was only concerned with doing a good
job and finishing it on time. He does not smoke, drink or gamble let
alone indulging in unfruitful activities. Whilst his other
friends would spend their time in coffee-shops while waiting for
the next assignment to come, dad spent his in his rubber
plantation placing fertilisers and spraying paraquat to keep the
plantation free from weeds and lalang. In mid-1970s, he was able
to purchase another piece of rubber plantation measuring about 6
His toil and sweat provided much
comfort for all of us. If he had insufficient funds to pay for
our education, he would either borrow from close relatives or
raise it through tontines. He was always quick in settling his
debts. When his second son went to England to read law in
the early 1980s, he had no hesitation to sell the land he first
acquired in 1958 to part finance his education much to the
chagrin of some old relatives as he considered this to be
a better investment. Alas, part of the proceeds of the sale kept
at a cooperative bank were frozen for years. Thanks to the
financial support from his younger daughters and a
son-in-law, his son managed to finish his law studies.
With the sale of the property, dad
and mum were finally able to fulfil their life-long wish to
visit China again. Finally in 1983, they visited their hometown
in China after obtaining permission from the Malaysian
government. It was their first trip back to their motherland
after 1947.


was an extremely filial son as well as a dutiful brother
to his siblings. Though earning a
meagre income, he would always make it a point to remit
monies home for his dad and siblings. He continued doing that
until his disappearance and even after grandfather's death in
1977. We recall when he received news that grandad had passed
away, it was also the first time we saw dad cry.
Therefore the 1983 trip meant a lot to him because he had
always wanted to make this "pilgrimage" to fulfil his wish and
duty of paying his belated respects to his departed parents. A
duty no doubt he fulfilled with admiration by collecting
the relics of his late parents and had them buried with a beautiful tomb erected in memory of them.
Perhaps dad is best remembered
as someone who, unlike his other
migrant friends from China, emphasised a lot on education.
He would do anything to ensure that we had a good education
even though mum would sometimes grumble that we should just
stop studying and come out to work so that dad now in his 60s
could retire. And whenever mum did that, she would be
chided by dad for being short-sighted. He knew the
disadvantages of not being educated. Knowing how hard a life
he had to go through as a labourer and then a logger, dad always instilled in us the
importance of excelling in our studies.
Dad did not retire until he
reached 71. After his retirement and with all of us now
grown up, we were able to spend quality time with him,
showering him with our love and gifts and which memories we
now cherish fondly. But it's not just dad to sit around doing
nothing. Despite having stopped work as a logger and that also
was done at our insistence, dad continued to go to his only
rubber plantation on his old faithful 25-year-old motor-cycle
every morning until his disappearance.
Today, we want the whole world
to know that we are not who and what we are if not for our beloved
dad. Our story that we tell here will be told to our children
and our children's children.
It was no easy task for him, but
dad did it. Though we are not rich, our lives have been enriched by
him. He taught us honesty, hard work and filial piety. Many a time, the mere
thought of what our dad went through to bring us up would
always provide us the much-needed jolt to remind us how
blessed we are because of him.
We obviously grieve over our
dad's disappearance. Most of our siblings would not even
bear to visit this site or read about dad's disappearance as
each time our tears would flow uncontrollably when we think
about it. The feeling is of course unbearable as we do not
know whether dad is still alive or not.
But tribute we must pay to this
outstanding man whom we owe him our lives. That said, this
site will bear testimony to the world of what a great dad we
have. The toil and sweat he had put in would not be in
vain. Because of him, all his grandchildren are now able to
receive tertiary education. Every drop of his sweat under the
hot sun has now produced lawyers, doctors, accountants, engineers and a pilot in a family brought up by a man deprived of
everything but gave his all to his family.
We are eternally grateful to you
Dad. You will always be in our hearts forever.